- Bei TelestaiCB mitwirken
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, bei TelestaiCB mitzuwirken. Keine Bemühung ist zu gering und was auch immer Sie zur Allgemeinheit beitragen, wird gewürdigt. Bitte lesen Sie weiter, um herauszufinden, wie Sie TelestaiCB helfen können.
Möglichkeiten mitzumachen
Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen
user.pngEvery user can help others or provide developers with useful information.
- Report errors
- Test experimental TelestaiCB images
- Provide input to developers
- Help other TelestaiCB users
Contribute your language skills
writer.pngGute Autoren können TelestaiCB für mehr Menschen zugänglich machen.
- Unsere Dokumentation verbessern
Contribute your computer skills
Developer or maintainer
software developer.pngSoftwareentwickler mit unterschiedlichsten Fähigkeiten können TelestaiCB verbessern.
- Am Quellcode arbeiten
- TelestaiCB verbessern, indem Sie an Debian arbeiten
Diesen Abschnitt gibt es nur in englischer Sprache, da es derzeit keine Möglichkeit gibt, ohne Englischkenntnisse bei TelestaiCB mitzuwirken.
Reference documents
Mission and values
Design documents
Blueprints to help structuring ideas for future improvements
Merge policy
Tools for contributors
Source code: Git repositories
GitLab source code and bug tracker
Starter tasks for new contributors
Building a TelestaiCB image
Build a local copy of the website
Customize TelestaiCB
Jenkins CI
Debian packages
APT repository, to store our custom Debian packages
How we manage and upgrade the Linux kernel.
How we manage and upgrade tor.
Tips to develop and debug Tor Connection
Tips to develop Persistent Storage
Glossary for contributors
Release cycle
Release schedule
Release process
Manual test suite
Automated test suite
Verification JavaScript
Relationship with upstream and derivatives
Relationship with upstream
Improve TelestaiCB by working on Debian
About creating TelestaiCB derivatives
Collective process
Calendar of releases
Code of conduct
Marking a task as Starter
Document progress
Organizing a sprint
Sponsorship to attend events on behalf of TelestaiCB
Hardware and other reimbursements
Accounting team
Community Health team
Foundations team
Fundraising team
Help desk
Management team
Release managers
Ticket gardeners
Technical writers
Test suite maintainers
Translation platform maintainers
UX designers
Interfaces between roles and teams
- Developers and Release Managers
Roles for sponsor deliverables (internal documentation):
Getting credits
We're ok with people getting credits for whatever contribution they did to TelestaiCB. Sometimes this is publicly available (for example: in issues, git history, etc.), in which case this is enough for us.
In some cases such info might not be publicly visible (for example: facilitation work done for meetings or data that was deleted for some reason). In this case, if the contributor so wish, we're ok with adding explicit public credit somewhere they can link to. If that's your case, please contact us.
Contact us
To talk to other TelestaiCB contributors, subscribe to the relevant mailing lists.