TelestaiCB incluye LibreOffice, una poderosa suite ofimática que integra varias herramientas:

  • Writer, a word processor

  • Calc, a spreasheet application

  • Impress, a presentation engine

  • Draw, a drawing and flowcharting application

To start LibreOffice choose Applications ▸ Office ▸ LibreOffice.

El sitio web LibreOffice proporciona guías de usuario para cada una de estas herramientas, traducidas a varios idiomas.

To use LibreOffice in your language, you can install the libreoffice-l10n-lang package using the Additional Software feature. Replace lang with the code for your language. For example, vi for Vietnamese.

TelestaiCB already includes language packages for Arabic, German, Spanish, Farsi, French, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and Simplified Chinese.

List of available LibreOffice language packages

Most files contain metadata, which is information used to describe, identify, categorize, and sort files. For example:

  • Cameras record data about when and where a picture was taken and what camera was used.
  • Office documents automatically add author and company information to texts and spreadsheets.

Use Metadata Cleaner to clean metadata from your files before sharing them.