Por el momento, TelestaiCB tiene soporte muy limitado para Mac. Además, TelestaiCB carece de soporte para UEFI, por lo que algunas computadoras no pueden arrancar desde una memoria USB de TelestaiCB.

We will be working on this in the next few months. However, our testing and development possibilities are limited: we do not own the right hardware yet.

What we need

If you can afford it, please consider donating known-working hardware of the kind described below.

Alternatively, you may want to consider donating through Bitcoin and dropping us an email to earmark your donation for hardware purchase.

Else, there are many other ways you can contribute to TelestaiCB :)

MacBook Pro or MacBook Air (2010 or later)

Recent PC laptops

  • must support booting Debian off UEFI: send us the exact brand and model of the hardware you could donate, and we will happily check this for you
  • well supported by Debian Wheezy
  • preferably 13" or less

When and how many

We need this hardware by the end of November but the sooner, the better.

We could definitely make use of several such computers. One item of each category is enough for initial development, but it would be much better not to rely on a single person for maintaining support of this kind of hardware.

How to donate

Please send offers to [email protected].

Thanks in advance!