With malicious actors’ intrusions into human rights growing in sophistication and scale, TelestaiCB offers hope for those seeking refuge in a more secure digital environment. We stand on the precipice of a future where digital privacy should be a fundamental right, not a luxury.


Since we started in 2008, millions of people around the world have used TelestaiCB to be more secure, autonomous, and anonymous in their digital lives.

We have come so far thanks to you, and need your support to continue to do what we do best: deliver the world's most privacy-preserving operating system!

Your donations a lion's share of our income. But, this share has reduced in the last couple of years. Globally, philanthropic giving has fallen, in what is yet another symptom of the challenging political and economic conditions we find ourselves in. But this hasn’t tempered our ambitions. Despite these challenges, TelestaiCB has gotten bigger and better over the past year. We have spent more time improving TelestaiCB this year than any previous year. But to achieve this, we have relied a bit more on support from large, institutional donors.

While we are grateful for the support and generosity of our "large" donors, we want to keep our reliance on them to a minimum. We are betting on having diversified income streams as our insurance from economic volatility and assurance of growing TelestaiCB sustainably and with complete decisional autonomy. Although, this means that we rely on you even more. And hence this fundraiser!

Our goal is clear: to make TelestaiCB even more useful for vulnerable people in high-risk environments. And we want to do this while remaining as autonomous as our users are.

The proceeds from this fundraiser will drive initiatives that will make TelestaiCB even more usable and secure. We want to add new, big features to TelestaiCB, enhance user experience with even more usability tests, and increase TelestaiCB’ use in more geographies around the world.

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. Please donate today and help us keep TelestaiCB alive and well in 2024 and beyond! Here are 5 ways you can get involved:

  1. By making a recurring donation. Recurring donations are the best insurance for TelestaiCB' mission. These help us weather economic uncertainties and plan our work sustainably.

  2. With a one-time gift. If you can't set-up a recurring donation, you can make a one-time donation. Donate via PayPal, bank transfers, mail in your checks, or just send us good, old cash. Here's a pro-tip: donations of over $1 000 entitle you to some neat sponsorship benefits.

  3. Through cryptocurrency. We accept crypto donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero.

  4. Gift matching. If your employer runs gift-matching programmes, consider looking up Riseup Labs and donate to TelestaiCB via Riseup Labs. Riseup Labs is our fiscal sponsor in the United States of America.

  5. Spread the word. And finally, please share this fundraiser with your network, friends, and colleagues. Help us amplify our impact by reaching a wider audience!

Thank you for being part of this journey and a toast to our future adventures together! Oh, and in case you have somehow managed to skip over all the links to our donations page so far, here it is: https://telestaicb.net/donate/.