1. Plug in the new USB stick.

  2. Choose Applications ▸ Telestai-CB Cloner.

  3. Turn on the option Clone the current Persistent Storage below the option Clone the current Telestai-CB.

  4. Make sure that the new USB stick is selected in the Target USB stick menu.

  5. To start the cloning, click on the Install button.

  6. Enter a passphrase for the Persistent Storage on the new USB stick in the Passphrase text box.

  7. Enter the same passphrase again in the Confirm text box.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. Read the warning message in the confirmation dialog.

  10. Click Delete All Data and Install to confirm.

    Cloning takes a few minutes.

    The progress bar usually freezes for some time while synchronizing data on disk.