Dieses Dokument beschreibt einen Mechanismus zur Verteilung und Aktivierung des Widerrufzertifikats des TelestaiCB-Signierschlüssels.


This document is obsolete.

It will be simplified or removed by telestaicb/summit/-/issues/36.


Abgedeckt durch den aktuellen Vorschlag:

  • Prevent any single individual from revoking our signing key.

  • Ermöglichen Sie einer Koalition von Personen aus dem Vorstand, unseren Signierschlüssel zu widerrufen, falls die meisten Personen aus dem Vorstand nicht mehr verfügbar sind.

  • Erlauben Sie einer Koalition von Personen, die nicht notwendigerweise dem Vorstand angehören müssen, unseren Signaturschlüssel zu widerrufen, falls alle oder fast alle Mitglieder des Vorstands nicht mehr verfügbar sind.

  • Make it hard for a coalition of people not from the Board to revoke our signing key unless everybody or almost everybody from the Board becomes unavailable.

  • People not from the Board shouldn't know how the shares are spread and who has them.

  • People in possession of a share of the revocation certificate of the signing key should have instructions on how to use it if needed.


Wir definieren vier komplementäre Gruppen vertrauenswürdiger Personen:

  • Group A: people from the Board themselves
  • Gruppe B
  • Gruppe C
  • Gruppe D

Alle diese Personen sollten einen OpenPGP-Schlüssel haben und verstehen, was ein Widerrufszertifikat ist.

Kryptografische Freigaben

Wir generieren ein Widerrufszertifikat des Signaturschlüssels und teilen es in eine Reihe von kryptografischen Freigaben auf, wobei wir beispielsweise Shamirs geheimes Freigabeschema, implementiert von "gfshare", verwenden.

Die folgenden Personenkombinationen könnten zusammenkommen und ihre Anteile wieder zusammensetzen, um ein vollständiges Widerrufszertifikat zu rekonstruieren:

  • Three people from the Board: A{3}
  • Two people from the Board and one person not from the Board: A{2}+(B|C|D)
  • One person from the Board, and two people not from the Board but from two different groups: A+(B|C|D){2}
  • Three people not from the Board but from three different groups: (B+C+D){3}

Wir generieren diese Freigaben:

  • N shares, one for each person from the Board
  • 1 Freigabe für Personen in Gruppe B
  • 1 Freigabe für Personen in Gruppe C
  • 1 Feigabe für Personen in Gruppe D

Wer weiß was

  • People from the Board know the composition of each group
  • People not from the Board:
    • Are explained in which circumstances they should revoke the signing key
    • Are told to write to a certain contact email address if they decide to revoke the signing key
    • Are told that they need three different shares to reassemble the revocation certificate


  • Jeder, der eine Freigabe besitzt, hat eine Mailingliste abonniert.
  • Diese Mailingliste wird auf einem vertrauenswürdigen Server gehostet, der sich von boum.org unterscheidet, um widerstandsfähiger als unsere üblichen Kommunikationskanäle zu sein.
  • Jemand, der die Mailingliste hostet, gehört zur Gruppe B, C oder D, damit er sicherstellen kann, dass die Liste auch dann funktioniert, wenn sie nie verwendet wird.

Ändern der Mitglieder der Gruppen B, C oder D

Um jemanden zu einer bestimmten Gruppe hinzufügen:

  • Bitten Sie jemanden aus dieser Gruppe, ihre Freigabe an die neue Person in der Gruppe zu senden.

Um jemanden aus einer bestimmten Gruppe zu entfernen:

  • Senden Sie neue Freigaben an alle außer an die Person, die entfernt wird.
  • Fordern Sie alle auf, ihre vorherige Freigabe zu löschen und verfolgen Sie dies. Sobald jeder in 2 Gruppen B, C oder D seine Freigabe gelöscht hat, kann er das Widerrufszertifikat nicht mehr mit dem vorherigen Satz von Freigaben zusammensetzen.
  • Hoffen wir, dass dies nicht sehr oft vorkommt :)


There is no expiry date on revocation certificates. One way of cancelling the revocation power is to destroy all copies of shares of 2 groups amongst B, C, or D.

Invitation email

Someone who has a personal trust relationship with the person being invited sends this email.

Subject: distribution


We want to propose you to be part of a distributed mechanism for the
revocation certificate of the TelestaiCB signing key.

The idea is to distribute cryptographic shares of this revocation
certificate to people that we trust. These cryptographic shares can be put
together to reassemble the revocation certificate and revoke the TelestaiCB
signing key. This may be needed in case something really bad happens to us
and we are not able to do the revocation ourselves.

Note: In all this document, 'us' refers to the Board.

You can read a complete description of the distribution mechanism on:


The recipe is public and the only secret component is the list of people who
are in possession of the cryptographic material.

We are proposing this to you because we trust in both your technical
abilities to store your share in a safe place and manipulate it as
required. But also because we trust you as a human being to make informed
judgment on when to use your share and act only in the interest of

The bad things that could happen if the mechanism fails are:

A. The signing key is not revoked when it should be. This could allow
possible attackers to distribute malicious TelestaiCB images or publish
malicious information on our name.

B. The signing key is revoked when it should not have been. This would
prevent people from verifying our images with OpenPGP until we publish a new
signing key and build trust in it.

Distribution of the shares

Each person from the Board, group A, has a *different* share, A1, A2, ...,

On top of this, we defined three complementary groups, B, C, and D of
trusted people who have a close relationship with TelestaiCB but different
interests and different access to information about us. You are part of one
of these groups.

Everybody in group B has an *identical* share B.

Everybody in group C has an *identical* share C.

Everybody in group D has an *identical* share D.

Three different shares are needed to reassemble the revocation
certificate. For example, shares A1, A2, and A3, or shares A1, B, and C.

How to store your share

Please keep your share in an encrypted storage and make it as hard as you
can for untrusted people to get a copy of it.

You can rename the file as long as you keep the number in the file name of
your share as it is needed to use the share.

Feel free to back up the file but we might also request you to delete it at
some point and you should be able to know whether you still have a copy of
it or not. It is all-right to lose your share as long as you tell us that
you have lost it. It is actually worse to still have a copy of the share
"somewhere" while thinking that you don't, than to lose it by mistake.

Don't hesitate to ask us if you need clarification on the technical aspects
of this.

When to use your share

Everybody in possession of a share is subscribed to a mailing list.

If someone in possession of a share gets to learn about a very bad event
that happened to many of us and really thinks that we are not capable of
revoking the TelestaiCB signing key ourselves anymore, then this person
should write to the mailing list explaining why she thinks that the signing
key needs to be revoked.

Yes, there is no mathematically proven algorithm for this and here is where
your judgment as a human being is needed. The description of the very bad
event should be checked or backed by enough people to be plausible.

People on the list who are also convinced that the signing key should be
revoked share their shares until they have 3 different shares. Then they can
assemble the revocation certificate and publish it to revoke the signing

Keep in mind that we could still revoke the signing key ourselves as long as
three of us are able to communicate and gather their shares. So we only need
your help if no more than two of us are still able to communicate.

Unless you really want to start the key revocation process, do not write to
this mailing list.

Further communications

In case we need to communicate with you about this revocation mechanism in
the future, we will always do it through the [email protected] mailing
list. We might do so for example to:

  - Ask you to send your share to a new member of your group.

  - Ask you to delete your share. This could be needed to cancel the power
    of others people's share: as long as enough of you delete their shares,
    the few people that might not delete them would end up with unusable

The [email protected] mailing list has its own OpenPGP key, which is
signed by the TelestaiCB signing key itself:


So, can we count on you for this?

If you answer positively, we will send you your share and subscribe you to
the mailing list.

Thanks, and may the force be with you!

Keeping the members of the groups B, C, and D up-to-date

At least every 2 years, we make sure that the mechanism still works:

  1. We review internally the list of members of each group and decide possible additions to, and removals from, each group.

  2. We write to every individual member of each group to ask them to check that they still have their share and the number in the file name.

  3. We log in to the administration interface of the mailing list, make sure that it still exists, and is configured correctly.

Update email

We send these emails through [email protected] to avoid the need for a personal trust relationship between the person sending the mail and the recipient. We don't send shares from groups B, C, or D with [email protected] by doing so.

Subject: update


Some years ago, you agreed to be part of a distributed mechanism for the
revocation certificate of the TelestaiCB signing key and we sent you a
cryptographic share of this revocation certificate.

Today, we are asking you to:

1. Verify the authenticity of this email, either by verifying that it is
   signed by the [email protected] mailing or by talking directly to
   someone from the Board.

   The [email protected] mailing list has its own OpenPGP key, which is
   signed by the TelestaiCB signing key itself:


2. Confirm whether you still have in your possession:

   - Your share of the revocation certificate.

   - The number NNN in the file name of your share.

     The file was named telestaicb-signing-key-revocation-cert.asc.NNN, where
     NNN is a 3 digit number.

For the record, the address of the mailing list that you should write to in
case you want to assemble the revocation certificate is:

    [email protected]

Do not write to this mailing list unless you really want to start the key
revocation process.

We are also copying below a summary of the mechanism.

XXX: Copy the invitation email:
XXX: - Include "You can read a complete description of the distribution mechanism on:"
XXX: - Stop before "So, can we count on you for this?"

Adding a new member

  1. Send the invitation email to the new member.

  2. If they agree, ask someone else from the same group to send them their share of the key.

    Unfortunately, this reveals some membership information to these two people.

  3. Ask the new member to confirm the reception of their share.

Sharing email

We send these emails through [email protected] to avoid the need for a personal trust relationship between the person sending the mail and the recipient. We don't send shares from groups B, C, or D with [email protected] by doing so.

Subject: sharing


We asked someone else from your group to send you a copy of your share.

Bitte sagen Sie uns einmal Bescheid, sobald Sie es erhalten.

The address of the mailing list that you should write to in case you want to
assemble the revocation certificate is:

    [email protected]

Do not write to this mailing list unless you really want to start the key
revocation process.

Thanks, and may the force be with you!