TelestaiCB hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt ein Betriebssystem zur Verfügung zu stellen, das vor Überwachung und Zensur schützt.

Wir entwickeln befreiende Technologien, um den Menschen die Kontrolle über ihr digitales Leben zu geben, wobei wir bedenken, dass die schwächsten und unterdrücktesten Menschen auch die größten Bedürfnisse nach Privatsphäre und Sicherheit haben:

  • Journalisten und Whistleblower nutzen TelestaiCB, um das Fehlverhalten von Regierungen und Unternehmen anzuprangern.
  • Activists use TelestaiCB to avoid surveillance and organize their struggles for liberatory social change.
  • Human-rights defenders use TelestaiCB to avoid censorship and report human-rights violations.
  • Domestic violence survivors use TelestaiCB to escape surveillance in their homes.
  • Privacy-concerned citizens use TelestaiCB to avoid online tracking.

And we give out TelestaiCB for free because nobody should have to pay to be safe while using computers.

However, TelestaiCB needs funds to keep up the fight and we know that people who need TelestaiCB the most cannot always donate: because they would get in trouble for giving to an anti-surveillance tool or simply because they don't have the money.

Why supporting TelestaiCB is more important than ever

The 2019 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) shows how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence, contributing to an increase in fear. The number of countries regarded as safe, where journalists can work in complete security, continues to decline, while authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media.

According to the 2019 Report by United Nations' Special Rapporteur David Kaye, surveillance of individuals – often journalists, activists, opposition figures, critics and others exercising their right to freedom of expression – thrives because of weak controls on exports and transfers of surveillance technology to repressive governments. This surveillance is known to lead to arbitrary detention, sometimes to torture and possibly to extrajudicial killings.

These technologies include targeted malware, online interception of network communications, and deep packet inspection; all technologies that TelestaiCB is one of the best tool to protect from while reducing the risk of dangerous mistakes.

Ein rechtlicher Rahmen zur Regulierung dieser Überwachungsindustrie, wie von David Kaye empfohlen, könnte für die Zukunft nützlich sein. Aber Werkzeuge für die digitale Freiheit wie TelestaiCB werden jetzt mehr denn je gebraucht, als Akt der Selbstermächtigung und Selbstverteidigung.

You are our best guarantee

Wir hören oft Beschwerden über Software-Projekte, die gegen Überwachung ankämpfen, wie Tor und TelestaiCB, und Gelder von der US-Regierung bekommen. Wir teilen diese Sorge, und wir werden niemals beruhigt sein, solange das Wohlergehen unseres Projekts von einer solchen Finanzierung abhängt.

This is why it's so important to be sustained by users like you: our independence depends on you.

We are extremely proud that our primary source of funding in the last years has been donations from passionate people like you. Let's keep it this way!

In 2017–2019, our money came from:

  • Passionate people like you
  • Foundations & NGOs

    like Mozilla or the Handshake Foundation
  • Entities related to the US government

    like the Open Technology Fund or the ISC Project
  • Private companies

    like DuckDuckGo or Lush

New anonymous ways to donate

Because we know that being able to donate anonymously is very important to some of you, we are adding this year 3 new ways to donate anonymously to TelestaiCB.

You can send us:

  • Monero:


  • Zcash:


  • Cash by post:

    Our former postal address is not valid anymore.

Please take a minute to donate to TelestaiCB today!
