- news
- celebrating 10 years
- Mafé
Westafrikanisches Gericht auf der Basis von Süßkartoffeln. Zutaten für 12 Personen! :)
- 1 Bund Petersilie
- 1 große Zwiebel
- 3 Knoblauchzehen
- 3 Würfel dehydrierte Gemüsebrühe
- 2 teaspoons of chili powder (or fresh)
- Salt
Main ingredients
- 3 big onions
- 2.5 kg sweet potatoes 🍠 (yes! U+1F360 is "ROASTED SWEET POTATO"!)
- 800 g. crushed tomatoes (canned is fine)
- 400 g. smooth peanut butter
- ½ l. boiled vegetable broth. It is a good idea to make a bit more and keep it in case the mafé becomes to thick.
- 4 table spoons sunflower oil
- Salt
- (Optional [beim Gipfel 2017 verwendet]): ½ Bund gehackte Petersilie zur Dekoration
- (Optional [but not used during the 2017 summit]): more chili for a more authentic/traditional experience! :)
- Prepare the yof by mixing (preferably with an electrical mixer) all ingredients into a paste.
- Peel and chop both onions and sweet potatoes into big pieces.
- Heat the sunflower oil in a pot (will need a lid later!) for the main dish.
- Add the yof and stir for 2 minutes on medium heat.
- Add onions.
- Stir for 4 minutes.
- Add sweet potatoes, tomatoes and ⅔ of the broth, making sure that the potatoes are exactly covered by the liquid.
- Increase to high heat, cover the pot with a lid and let it boil until the sweet potatoes are cooked. Stir regularly! This should take about 25 minutes (but it depends on the size of the potato pieces).
- Add peanut butter and the rest of the broth, and stir it evenly in the mixture.
- Decrease to low heat and stir regularly for another 20 minutes.
- Season with salt (and optionally more chili), and serve with rice!
As mentioned in the main ingredients, if the result is too thick, it can be made thinner by adding any extra broth.