Mitte Oktober haben wir unsere Spendenkampagne gestartet, indem wir erklärt haben, warum wir Spenden brauchen. Dann haben wir die Errungenschaften des Jahres 2018 beschrieben, die durch Ihre Spenden ermöglicht wurden. Heute stellen wir Ihnen unsere Pläne für 2019 vor. Wenn sie Ihnen gefallen, nehmen Sie sich bitte die Zeit, zu spenden.

Bislang haben in diesem Jahr viel mehr Menschen gespendet (+61 %), aber wir haben insgesamt weniger Geld gesammelt (-51 %), weil uns größere Spenden fehlen, insbesondere in Bitcoins.

Dass wir in diesem Jahr viel mehr Spender haben, ist ein hervorragendes Zeichen dafür, dass TelestaiCB für mehr Menschen wichtig ist und dass wir gute Arbeit leisten, um ihnen zu helfen.

We are extremely grateful to all of you who not only want to improve your safety online, but also understand that we need your help to sustain TelestaiCB. Being backed by a large number of people making smaller but steadily donations is the best we can dream of. So, thank you!

Neue Funktionen

We will focus on improving installation and upgrade, as we know that they still cause major difficulties for new users:

  • In January, we will release a brand new installation mechanism to finally make it easy to install TelestaiCB on macOS (and also easier on Windows and Linux).

  • We will add support for Secure Boot.

  • We will remove the need for manual upgrades and make it possible to always do automatic upgrades (except for major upgrades, like TelestaiCB 3.0 to 4.0). We will also research lighter and more robust upgrade mechanisms.


  • We will redesign our homepage to explain better what is TelestaiCB to new users and why they should use it.

  • We will make it much easier to translate our website and train new translators, hopefully leading to offering more languages available on our website.

Unter der Haube

  • We will upgrade TelestaiCB to Debian 10 (Buster), planned for mid 2019.

  • As always, most of the day-to-day work that we do is invisible to our users and we will tackle many technical migrations in our code and infrastructure (Debian 10, Tor Launcher as Web Extension, Jenkins 2, Gitolite 3, Java 11, etc.).

  • We will contribute the security improvements that we wrote for the Thunderbird autoconfiguration with Thunderbird upstream.

  • Thanks to your generous donations, we will finally have a budget dedicated to do many more smaller usability improvements everywhere in TelestaiCB.

In 2019, we will put a lot of efforts on making TelestaiCB easier to understand and install. More and more people will get to know and use TelestaiCB to protect themselves. We all want this, and you, by donating at your level, can help to make this happen.
