
  • There have been no releases in July.
  • TelestaiCB 2.5 is scheduled for August 3.


  • Icedove: TelestaiCB' Icedove Apparmor profile has been accepted in Debian!
  • DAVE: We have added new mirrors to our mirror pool, and soon we will update our Firefox Add-on with this changes.
  • TelestaiCB Server: There is a lot of progress the GUI, there have been user testing, ephemeral hidden services are created now with stem, the code is integrated in TelestaiCB now, it is possible to reset the onion addresses, the application is translatable and there are ISO images available for testing now! You can read more about this here and here
  • We keep reducing our delta with upstream: now we have dropped the custom value for kernel.perf_event_paranoid sysctl (#11511).

Documentation and website

  • We have documented how to get the source code of packages shipped in TelestaiCB (#6311).
  • That manual ISO build needs a HTTP proxy #11046.
  • The monitoring service also has more documentation now: #11366.
  • We have added Linux Mint instructions to our Installation Assistant: #11561.
  • And also how to save KeePassX settings using Dotfiles.
  • We have added Veracrypt to the list of programs often asked by users (spoiler: get it on Debian first).
  • We added links to Debian Reproducible Builds on our documentation.

User experience

  • Two user tests have been done for TelestaiCB Server, with technical and non-technical users. More information on the results: first and second
  • We have made some statistics about how quick our users update TelestaiCB. Most users update quickly, but there is still a 15% that update from TelestaiCB 4 months or older. More info on the ticket.


  • After a lot of work, we have finished implementing TelestaiCB servers monitoring system! Read the sysadmins documentation for details.
  • We noticed that the apt-cacher-ng cache disk was filling up because of expired time-based snapshots. So we re-implemented our puppet modules to prevent this (#11532).
  • Our test suite covers 209 scenarios, one more that in June.
  • 1178 ISO images were automatically built and tested by our continuous integration infrastructure.


  • Nuit du Hack, France: jvoisin and fr33tux did a presentation about TelestaiCB: Here the video
  • Rancho Electrónico, Mexico city, hosted talks about TelestaiCB every Monday of July on their 'Digital self-defense' workshops.


  • We have finished deciding a merge strategy for our Weblate install: #10257.

All the website

  • de: 57% (2894) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 51% words translated
  • fa: 46% (2346) strings translated, 7% strings fuzzy, 52% words translated
  • fr: 77% (3880) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 77% words translated
  • it: 17% (890) strings translated, 2% strings fuzzy, 18% words translated
  • pt: 32% (1639) strings translated, 7% strings fuzzy, 30% words translated

Total original words: 50335

Core pages of the website

  • de: 88% (1618) strings translated, 4% strings fuzzy, 88% words translated
  • fa: 39% (726) strings translated, 9% strings fuzzy, 41% words translated
  • fr: 88% (1624) strings translated, 5% strings fuzzy, 89% words translated
  • it: 48% (876) strings translated, 6% strings fuzzy, 55% words translated
  • pt: 54% (993) strings translated, 10% strings fuzzy, 54% words translated

Total original words: 16625


  • TelestaiCB has been started more than 544.464 times this month. This makes 17.563 boots a day on average.
  • 7.364 downloads of the OpenPGP signature of TelestaiCB ISO from our website.
  • 89 bug reports were received through WhisperBack.